Jae-ha, this is not at all connected to your thought-provoking piece, but...

...I have been "attempting" music writing for a decade now, and I am embarrassed I did not know you until I started again here on Substack. And even then I knew you primarily for your K-drama pieces!

And then I saw a friend (who does work in the music press, successfully, I must add) follows you on Twitter and I was, "oh, why did I miss her all this time?" since I began dipping into K-pop (alongside my short takes on Western pop) a year or so after I launched my first music blog.

All I wanted to say is, all this is so fascinating, from my POV as a guy who only still dreams of being a journalist.

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Thank you, Niko. You ARE a journalist. Your writing is researched and thought-provoking.

Also, don't feel bad because you weren't familiar with my work. As I mentioned in my piece, I'm not famous or a household name, and I write primarily for the U.S. market. So why would you have known me?!!

And not for nothing, but we all change/progress as we get older and further into our careers. You happened to catch me during my K-drama phase (which I hope lasts a longgggg time)!

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Oh, shucks.

Me, I was just being completist when I started following K-pop publications (also so I don't get stuck writing about the same groups). Goes to show I haven't scratched the surface... but it's nice to know you still have a lot to discover.

But also, I really just looked up to said friend. Whatever they did, I considered to be probably worth doing, too! (Although I got into K-pop before they did.)

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