(Tone: Grateful) As always- love your writing & thoughts! I very much enjoyed Castaway Diva for numerous reasons (which you touched on in your piece).

Re: Tourists that visit Korea with fantasy expectations (imho) are the (Tone: exasperated) absolute worst). It was my experience when interacting with fellow tourists during my just over a month 1st time to visit to Korea (this year) that the majority of tourists 1. Don’t do their research 2. Don’t bother to even ‘try’ to assimilate using language barriers as an excuse to cover their ignorance 3. Hypersexualize to the point of disrespect of the people & culture (which is brushed to the side with an, “I don’t care - I’m on vacation” or “what? I’m just commenting on the k-beauty standards of Korea...” 🙄

(Tone: internally screaming & biting my tongue) Okay...

(Tone: Reflective) Social media and streaming sites like Netflix & Viki aren’t any help in this area- we all know ‘sex & violence sells’ but I maintain that hypersexualizing individuals for the sake of sensationalism is a part of what leads to & stokes racism– largely in part due to the ignorance of those who “go bonkers for Kdramas” and then (Tone: opinionated) embarrass themselves when visiting Korea...but I digress...💜✌🏼

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You offered much food for thought, Scarlett. I don't think tourists visit the United States expecting everyone to look like whoever the hot actor or actress of the moment is. But there does seem to be an expectation by *some* people that all Korean/Asian women will be dainty and reserved (while still stoking hypersexualized fantasies); and all Asian men will be either K-drama handsome (or completely emasculated). Hundreds of years of stereotypes aren't easy to undue. Changes are being made, but it's still slow enough to affect how some tourists behave.

ETA: Those tourists are still annoying!

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(Tone: Appreciative) Thank you for your kind response!

(Tone: Agreeing) Re: I don't think tourists visit the United States expecting... 💯 (save maybe a few exceptions depending on where someone goes).

Re: But there does seem to be an expectation by *some* (Tone: apologetic) yes- of course, by some people- upon review of my previous comment I did generalize too much-apologies!...Re: ...Changes are being made, but it's still slow enough to affect how some tourists behave- 💯 (Tone: Reflective) I spend a fair amount of my time pondering why things are so slow to change & would suggest that the worst of it is all on social media because 1. written communication lacks tone, facial expressions, context* etc...— which easily leads to 2. deniability & suggesting it’s a ‘misunderstanding.’ 3. No accountability

[Aside] how often does one see a post or comment like, “[insert actor/idol/etc] is so HOT” or “OMG this scene- I’m melting” or Streaming networks (like those I previously mentioned) saying things like, “reasons we like Kdramas: abs (shows abs), pretty women, handsome men...more abs” or “all immortals, all hot”

(Tone: Sincere) Of course, on the surface these types of comments/posts are not directly harmful or malicious (for all we know) then again it’s a bit like saying, “boys will be boys.” 🙃🤔 I’m all for people expressing themselves & celebrating what they love & makes them feel good...

(Tone: Grateful) In any case, I think it’s clear I’m very passionate about this topic & could go on; however, I don’t want to take up more time. Thank you for indulging my words & inspiring me to share. 🙏🙏🙏💜✌🏼

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