Oh, my. As a 50+ woman who frequents kpop twitter, I resonate with this so much. I've carefully curated my timeline and visibility, and continue to do so, but sometimes they still sneak through.
Any essay that references Logan's Run is a winner in my book. :) I'm currently listening to a podcast where Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia is interviewed, and he and the host were just talking about how sad it is that so much of social media rewards these types of one-line attacks. More views, more clicks for the flagrantly negative reactions. I guess it's just human nature, but often it feels like the socials cater to people's worst instincts.
I loved both the book and the movie LOGAN's RUN! Farrah forever! There's clearly the part of me that wants to say, "No, they're liars!" But it wouldn't matter anyhow. A friend's teenager follows me on social media and texted me saying that no way are these kids writing these things. She said that kids literally don't care what I think, but *Karens* do. 😬 Thanks, I guess?? 😂
100%. I'm certain if you are at least ten years older than them, kids either don't see you or if they do, it's because you're their parents and you have money. :)
(Tone: Chill & Sincere) 1. I trust that you will feel better soon- sorry to read you are under the weather! 2. Thank you as always for sharing your words! 3. Online Trolls/bad players/those who are paid to cause trouble– personally, I try to do my best to remind myself that there are just some really sad (and many a low-vibe adjective) individuals & bots out there whose purpose it is to make people think that this type of communication is human nature– it’s not but we have been conditioned to believe it is, but I digress…I’m just grateful that you share your experiences/perspectives with us and that allows us readers to analyze, question, learn, and grow! 🙏💜🖤✌🏼
Thank you, Scarlett. These people are exactly the same as the weirdos who would call in (this was during the days before the internet) to say they hated something I wrote not because there was an error, but because they wanted to boss me around. One woman proudly stated she was a mother and loved Clay Aiken's concert and hated that I mentioned that he forgot the lyrics to one of his songs and that I shouldn't have done that and that I should only write positive things and that I shouldn't have reviewed his show if I wasn't going to praise it and...and...and... then she screamed and swore at me because she was a hateful woman. The kicker is that the review was overall positive. But not glowing enough for her.
Some of these internet trolls are essentially the same as that Clay Aiken fan. Unreasonable, unhinged and irrational. BTW, I like Clay and we discussed that incident during an interview afterwards. Like a lot of "American Idol" contestants, he didn't get the opportunity to play small clubs before being thrown into huge venues.
(Tone: Shook) Aaah! I empathize with you as I semi-fondly remember the days before (my parents would look over my shoulder as I was instant messaging on AOL or ICQ and full of zeast would say, “Isn’t this fascinating!?”) where we would walk around with the awesome chordless landline with whomever we were getting an earful from on mute and speaker 🙃🤭
(Tone: Honest) I hope those kind of calls as the one shared & described above were less frequent than not! 🙏 Re: Clay Aiken phone rant lady/online weirdos– I would postulate that these instances are showing us our ‘weakest links’ as a collective so to speak. I’m grateful for the way you have tied in your past experience with the present as it has given me a different perspective on how I might perceive the pros and cons of these type of scenarios in the online world. [Aside: I wasn’t big on American Idol or reality/variety shows since 1. We weren’t allowed to watch 2. were busy with school, sports, etc…however, I did catch Clay Aiken & William Hung and Loved them!]
(Tone: Reflective) I think a very important takeaway is that the hateful phone lady 1. Missed an opportunity to be grateful to reach you & exchange with you 2. Squandered what could have been a valuable learning opportunity 3. Was bound to get back what she put out…but I digress.
In any case, Thank you for your share & response– both are much appreciated and have given me much to ponder! 🙏💜🖤✌🏼
My one contribution to this discussion: I don't care about your age.
Until I realize you reviewed a lot of the bands from when I was young boy that I eventually discovered when I was in high school, at which point I realize that I still don't care if you're 40 or 50 or whatever.
One of the things that ignorant people don't realize is that the more you've lived through, the more you (usually) know. You can read about what happened. But if you experienced it, you can offer a different perspective. Just like I can get jaded by some things and learn by seeing it from a younger person's eyes. Keeps me humble, tbh.
I will forever be amazed at how people put meaning to things we say even if there's no evidence of that. Or how they will draw up conclusions for themselves or put words into our mouths (or posts).
One of them was upset that I shared something I had posted on Twitter to my Instagram Stories. Can you even imagine? I cross post a lot of my work to get more exposure.
Let's see, what else? This is one they cling on to: I made a benign comment that it would've been a nice touch for a magazine to have assigned a big story on an Asian group to an Asian American writer (instead of their default white male writer) since they ran it during Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Month. That was interpreted by a slew of them as me (1) trying to get the article boycotted (2) not supporting the group and, of course, (3) being jealous that I didn't write it. I literally wrote my own cover story for a different magazine on that same group in that same time frame. So I literally couldn't have done both, But that doesn't suit their negative narrative, does it?
And finally, they are still mad that I don't jump to their demands to do their bidding. Even though I have already explained that I am an adult with a job, a child and elderly family members to take care of. But...again...that doesn't fit their entitled cray-cray narrative.
Thank goodness that there are more good than bad and that the bad can be sorted away with the lovely "mute" button.
“ But it’s my contention that the majority of online antagonists are immature adults. Why? Children simply do not care about anyone’s opinions about pop culture other than their own.”
Imagine me as that gif of Meryl Streep applauding and whooping and pointing. Because after more than two decades (and many kerfluffles) spent in publishing, truer words have never been spoken.
Oh, my. As a 50+ woman who frequents kpop twitter, I resonate with this so much. I've carefully curated my timeline and visibility, and continue to do so, but sometimes they still sneak through.
They do, don't they?
The mute button is my favorite.
Any essay that references Logan's Run is a winner in my book. :) I'm currently listening to a podcast where Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia is interviewed, and he and the host were just talking about how sad it is that so much of social media rewards these types of one-line attacks. More views, more clicks for the flagrantly negative reactions. I guess it's just human nature, but often it feels like the socials cater to people's worst instincts.
I loved both the book and the movie LOGAN's RUN! Farrah forever! There's clearly the part of me that wants to say, "No, they're liars!" But it wouldn't matter anyhow. A friend's teenager follows me on social media and texted me saying that no way are these kids writing these things. She said that kids literally don't care what I think, but *Karens* do. 😬 Thanks, I guess?? 😂
100%. I'm certain if you are at least ten years older than them, kids either don't see you or if they do, it's because you're their parents and you have money. :)
Exactly this! I mean to teens, 25 year olds are OLD. (And I remember thinking that way, too.)
To my 25 year old self, I should be dead by now. Like ten years ago!
(Tone: Chill & Sincere) 1. I trust that you will feel better soon- sorry to read you are under the weather! 2. Thank you as always for sharing your words! 3. Online Trolls/bad players/those who are paid to cause trouble– personally, I try to do my best to remind myself that there are just some really sad (and many a low-vibe adjective) individuals & bots out there whose purpose it is to make people think that this type of communication is human nature– it’s not but we have been conditioned to believe it is, but I digress…I’m just grateful that you share your experiences/perspectives with us and that allows us readers to analyze, question, learn, and grow! 🙏💜🖤✌🏼
Thank you, Scarlett. These people are exactly the same as the weirdos who would call in (this was during the days before the internet) to say they hated something I wrote not because there was an error, but because they wanted to boss me around. One woman proudly stated she was a mother and loved Clay Aiken's concert and hated that I mentioned that he forgot the lyrics to one of his songs and that I shouldn't have done that and that I should only write positive things and that I shouldn't have reviewed his show if I wasn't going to praise it and...and...and... then she screamed and swore at me because she was a hateful woman. The kicker is that the review was overall positive. But not glowing enough for her.
Some of these internet trolls are essentially the same as that Clay Aiken fan. Unreasonable, unhinged and irrational. BTW, I like Clay and we discussed that incident during an interview afterwards. Like a lot of "American Idol" contestants, he didn't get the opportunity to play small clubs before being thrown into huge venues.
(Tone: Shook) Aaah! I empathize with you as I semi-fondly remember the days before (my parents would look over my shoulder as I was instant messaging on AOL or ICQ and full of zeast would say, “Isn’t this fascinating!?”) where we would walk around with the awesome chordless landline with whomever we were getting an earful from on mute and speaker 🙃🤭
(Tone: Honest) I hope those kind of calls as the one shared & described above were less frequent than not! 🙏 Re: Clay Aiken phone rant lady/online weirdos– I would postulate that these instances are showing us our ‘weakest links’ as a collective so to speak. I’m grateful for the way you have tied in your past experience with the present as it has given me a different perspective on how I might perceive the pros and cons of these type of scenarios in the online world. [Aside: I wasn’t big on American Idol or reality/variety shows since 1. We weren’t allowed to watch 2. were busy with school, sports, etc…however, I did catch Clay Aiken & William Hung and Loved them!]
(Tone: Reflective) I think a very important takeaway is that the hateful phone lady 1. Missed an opportunity to be grateful to reach you & exchange with you 2. Squandered what could have been a valuable learning opportunity 3. Was bound to get back what she put out…but I digress.
In any case, Thank you for your share & response– both are much appreciated and have given me much to ponder! 🙏💜🖤✌🏼
My one contribution to this discussion: I don't care about your age.
Until I realize you reviewed a lot of the bands from when I was young boy that I eventually discovered when I was in high school, at which point I realize that I still don't care if you're 40 or 50 or whatever.
One of the things that ignorant people don't realize is that the more you've lived through, the more you (usually) know. You can read about what happened. But if you experienced it, you can offer a different perspective. Just like I can get jaded by some things and learn by seeing it from a younger person's eyes. Keeps me humble, tbh.
I will forever be amazed at how people put meaning to things we say even if there's no evidence of that. Or how they will draw up conclusions for themselves or put words into our mouths (or posts).
One of them was upset that I shared something I had posted on Twitter to my Instagram Stories. Can you even imagine? I cross post a lot of my work to get more exposure.
Let's see, what else? This is one they cling on to: I made a benign comment that it would've been a nice touch for a magazine to have assigned a big story on an Asian group to an Asian American writer (instead of their default white male writer) since they ran it during Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Month. That was interpreted by a slew of them as me (1) trying to get the article boycotted (2) not supporting the group and, of course, (3) being jealous that I didn't write it. I literally wrote my own cover story for a different magazine on that same group in that same time frame. So I literally couldn't have done both, But that doesn't suit their negative narrative, does it?
And finally, they are still mad that I don't jump to their demands to do their bidding. Even though I have already explained that I am an adult with a job, a child and elderly family members to take care of. But...again...that doesn't fit their entitled cray-cray narrative.
Thank goodness that there are more good than bad and that the bad can be sorted away with the lovely "mute" button.
Oh gosh, not people trying to police how you repurpose your content! And yay to the mute button!
“ But it’s my contention that the majority of online antagonists are immature adults. Why? Children simply do not care about anyone’s opinions about pop culture other than their own.”
Imagine me as that gif of Meryl Streep applauding and whooping and pointing. Because after more than two decades (and many kerfluffles) spent in publishing, truer words have never been spoken.
I know EXACTLY which gif you're talking about. I love that one! Thanks for sharing your experiences! Always good to hear from other people who KNOW.