-He visto que en las embajadas de corea del sur hay muchas mujeres protestando.

- Los medios coreanos estan más al pendiente de suga y army que del caso de nct, nth room, y otros casos que involucran a otros idol.

-Los medios están entretenidos viendo si ARMY esta dividido o no, cuando ya hay informacion de que las fans de nct quisieron encubrir el caso de su ex miembro, una campaña pagada por mucha gente.

-El acoso como el de Epik High ahora se lo quieren hacer a SUGA cuando hay cosas más importantes y peligrosas en Corea del Sur y es la seguridad de la mujer. No importa que digan que el presidente está tomando medidas cuando los medios desvian la atención.

-Perdón por meter otro tema, pero siento que está relacionado como cortina o distractor.

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The level of punishment for sexual crimes in Korea is nothing compared to the US. ㅠㅠ

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This is terrifying and grateful for your labor to watch and inform us, cause I am too terrified to sit thru it.

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It was a tough watch. Very disturbing. I think the last time I was so disturbed was watching "Silenced" (도가니), which was based on a true story.


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The "slap on the wrist" and even lower sentences for the heinous crimes against women that perpetrators commit in S. Korea is mind boggling. It shows how women are perceived as lower individuals (pretty much globally). I know it happens here in the US as well. I feel that there should be harsher penalties without a chance of reduction of sentence (ie Burning Sun).

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Yes, these are 'not' victim-less crimes. The victims may never fully recover. I don't know how they could.

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(Tone: Reflective) You’ve touched on numerous points that I wish would be discussed as well. There is so much to unpack as it pertains to “Cyber Hell”– at the forefront (imho) technology based scams/sextortions are the new ‘unknown danger’ / ‘lurking tiger in the night’ that triggers our survival fears that physically impacted those that came before us. We have come to a point in time, generally stating, where the vast majority alive don’t need to fear for their physical survival. Instead, the same fear is triggered on the emotional/social scale…which I would argue is way worse. Not only is there the fear of social ostracism (being kicked out of the tribe I.e. safety in numbers) the dormant evolutionary fear of physical survival (the fewest are versed in this area) becomes activated (and since most don’t have the knowledge/necessary tools/options to sustain life without the help of the tribe it is exacerbated).

I can’t remember if this was in reference to Baksa/godgod; however:

“He asked, if you were asked to shoot someone would you do it?...He said, he would do it if it benefited him” [aside: Such a statement is a Psychological marker for those with low-no EQ/empathy] and stuck in a pitiful survival mode mentality (not defending just stating).

I mention this in hopes that those reading who struggle to understand how one could become a victim to such atrocities perhaps maybe ask themselves- if there’s a gun to your head (physical or emotional doesn’t make a difference) what would you do?

[Aside: Honestly, as someone who didn’t understand BW/PS (battered woman/person syndrome) before I went through it myself to the point where my life was at risk- I hope that people take more time to empathize, reflect, & ask questions rather than jump to conclusions and judge…]

Re: focussing more on cyber crimes/AI deep fakes being taken more seriously- that’s all well and good, & obviously necessary; however, much like the war on drugs, war on disease, war on poverty, war on ‘you name it’ won’t solve anything lest we start to focus on:

-primary socialization = conditioning = ‘monkey see monkey do’

- emotional / mental health

- communication & how we handle/report difficult topics

- understanding sexuality (not just on a physical level) let’s include the emotional/mental/spiritual components and this includes refraining from objectification/emasculation [aside: I would go as far as to say the entertainment, fashion, advertising/marketing, etc.. industries need to be made over from head to toe in this regard]…in short, how we view sexuality on an individual vs collective vs cultural vs cross-cultural perspective

- Learning how to take responsibility/ self-accountability of our actions/feelings/thoughts

- how to heal when victimized

and much more

…(Tone: Honest) I have more to say since “Cyber Hell” touched on topics that are so intricately connected to one another, but my comment is turning into a long winded monologue 🤦‍♀️…not to mention, I’m back to thinking about your articles on Suga’s ordeal once more as well. As always, I thank you for your article & for indulging my words! I continue to deep dive into various perspectives thanks to the topics you raise- ever grateful! 🙏💜🖤✌🏼

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Scarlett, thank you for sharing your views. Your points are so relevant and worth thinking about, studying, and discussing. There is hope for our future generations, but there needs to be education and empathy about what all of this means. The whys still aren't answered. Why are these boys and men doing this? How does punishing girls and women better their lives? It doesn't.

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(Tone: Sincere) Thank you for your kind response!! Re: There needs to be education & empathy 💯 I wholeheartedly agree!!!

Re: The Whys aren’t answered: I believe it’s not that they are not answered rather they are heartbreakingly ignored in the name of tradition/religion/ differing cultures & socialization, the cycle of objectification & emasculation, the perpetuation of violence from biological sexes & all genders (tit for tat behavior- anyone can be violent & vicious just like anyone can be a victim), miscommunication, and on and on.

(Tone: Reflective) I grew up with the saying, “Behind every great man is a great/strong woman” popping up in various conversations and repeated it on fitting occasions myself once I was a bit older. It led me to believe (and to an extent- I admit I still do when seemingly forced to give a point blank answer) that women are the “stronger” sex when considering more than the general focus of the physical component. However, I believe that the continued usage of this statement unintentionally perpetuates the 1940s/1950s status-quo and with slight alterations from its western expression is embedded in the structures of every culture.

I mention the above because it correlates to both conscious/subconscious conditioned/learned behavior that is then passed on generation to generation– touching on the painstaking intricacy of nature vs nurture vs society if you will…

Circling back to “why are boys men doing this” (while you might have meant this rhetorically) I would postulate it’s because from a young age they are shown they can since there are seemingly no consequences. Societies across the globe share the not-so-veiled message, “Women were nothing but objects to be exploited and mocked” (said roughly around the 40 minute mark in C.H.) (Tone: Distraught) women included…😔😣😔 On top of that- “When the story [about the nth rooms] dropped it was front page news, but nothing really changed...it didn’t get much attention, people didn’t pay attention to it...it was just seen as another common violence case against women.” 😭

(Tone: Reflective) Are we just meant to accept that societies are desensitized to violence against women since it already actively partakes in exploitation of them in well, you name it- anything from a-z…and what ‘deal with it’ — that seems to be what most are struggling to do.

Heavy & pain-filled sigh…

(Tone: Embarrassed) I clearly went on a passionate rampage again…(Tone: Sincere) Thank you again for sharing- your words always inspire deep thought and reflection on my end and I greatly appreciate the opportunity to share and exchange 🙏🙏🙏

(Tone: Optimistic) Cheers & high hopes for individuals young & no longer young to take the steps necessary to reflect, learn, create, instigate, and embody change for a brighter tomorrow for all…💜🖤✌🏼

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The journalists themselves admitted that they didn't think this was a case worth pursuing, because they had covered similar incidents already. And then they were proven true (until the case blew up), because one of the reporters said the piece they wrote didn't generate much interest from the public. The public had read/heard about it so much that it was just more violence against women. And it seems likely there was also victim blaming involved.

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(Tone: Reflective) Re: Didn’t generate much interest from the public- It’s mind boggling how the public responds…rather the lack of outrage is what gets me.

Unfortunately, that’s a reflection of severe psychological/sociological defense mechanisms rooted in— fear. The unanswered question I have is: does fear excuse inaction? My personal opinion is: no, it does not. (I have more to say but it’s another topic entirely.)

Something that has stuck with me & is a big indicator for a lot of the things I mentioned initially being necessary is that I recall at the end of C.H.- when asked if they would go through the process of the investigation again the women did not hesitate to say yes and the one who got the ball rolling upon reflecting said no…


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ASIDE*: (Tone: Cautious/Reflective/Sincere) Not wanting to takeaway from the article or thematic at hand- I’ve been wondering if for anyone who happens to read my words & the sake of clarity & transparency purposes I might* do well to say :

I remember when I started sharing about the abuse on all counts I suffered at the hands of an ex partner there were a shocking amount of people who ‘victim blamed’ (not to mention- ignored all the other ways I was abused) as they focused on 1 facet while attempting to tell me that partner-rape isn’t “a thing.”

Disbelief, Shock, Trying to rationalize the irrational, Victim blaming, are but a few of telltale signs a defense mechanism has been triggered, which I would postulate correlates to the ‘silence’ / seeming disinterest of the public as it pertains to the nth rooms…makes me sick to my stomach…

I see the threads of this kind of mentality that triggers defense mechanisms to abuse everywhere- particularly online and heartbreakingly most prevalent in younger generations…I have a lot to says as to the “how’s?”, “why’s?”, and “what can be done?” But they all circle back to what most seemingly brush aside/ignore…

In any case, I humbly thank anyone reading for indulging my words and wish to end with:

"what can I do to cheer on and support these brave young daughters"

Let us do better and question our own thoughts & actions/motivations to keep our humanity in tact and not continue to sacrifice precious beings…


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